
  • Silhouette of man standing on car in front of night sky

    This is an example headline.

    Integer felis neque, elementum sed lectus id, sodales.

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Accordion Header

  • The UConn banner is a required element on every University and UConn Health website. It is always located at the top, and spans 100 percent of the website's width. The banner can be UConn blue (as seen below) or white with UConn blue logo and search/A-Z icons.
  • The UConn or UConn Health wordmark is required within the banner. A special, one-line version of each wordmark is used and reserved for University and UConn Health websites. Schools and colleges may use an alternative wordmark that is reserved for the web which features the primary UConn wordmark with their name to the right. This alternative wordmark can only be used on the school or college's main website, such as clas.uconn.edu.
  • The height of the banner measures 60px tall and has either a blue background color (#000E2F) or white background color (#FFFFFF).
  • The wordmark can be aligned with the left side of the main body of the webpage, as opposed to the far left side of the banner.

